About Us

Why Us

We are a family owned small business located in Encinitas, California founded by Shawn and Christine Leo.  We love American made products and strive to source everything possible locally.   We investigate our potential suppliers to ensure that they meet our high standards for working conditions and environmental sustainability.

Our brand

In creating our brand, we were drawn to the seagull because of its association with freedom and a carefree spirit.  Seagulls are masters of land and water. Like the seagull, we are all on a search to find our freedom. 

Message from Founder, Shawn Leo

I love surfing and skating – they have always been my passion.  As I got older, I felt I had no time to do them.  Tragically, I lost my brother and it made me reevaluate life.  I realized that was wasting my life working myself into the ground trapped in an office in midtown Manhattan NY.  I remember being increasingly frustrated checking surf reports dreaming of a life that seemed to be slipping away.  My crazy work schedule barely gave me time to see my wife and three kids.  I needed a change and I knew that it was time to break away and start living the life I dreamed of for myself and my family.  I decided to leave my job and relocate my family to San Diego.  I’ve found my freedom and hope that you do too.